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Partners "on the fly"

Many institutes in our country and all over the world share our goals and our vision for the near future of humanity. Global efforts are needed to make everybody take part in the exciting debate on Singularity and push the members of the whole scientific community to commit themselves to the cause. In the last thirty years, we've been working with several partners, sometimes for a single project, sometimes for several years. Our current partners are listed below.

Diagramma is a leading software-house specialized in providing softwares to insurance companies and brokers. The partnership between Diagramma and iLabs is two-fold: Diagramma provides the biggest part of iLabs research fund, while iLabs researches contribute to the continuing innovation and development of the artificial intelligence at the core of Diagramma software.

Humanity+ is an international nonprofit membership organization which advocates the ethical use of technology to expand human capacities and support the development of new technologies that enable everyone to enjoy better minds, better bodies and better lives. iLabs and Humanity+ collaborate in the organization of transhumanist events in Italy and the promotion, at national and international level, of an informed debate over common research themes.

KurzweilAI features the big thoughts of today's big thinkers examining the confluence of accelerating revolutions that are shaping our future world. KurzweilAI is part of Raymond Kurzweil's enterpreneurial and scientific universe.

SENS Foundation is a non-profit organization which works to develop, promote and ensure widespread access to regenerative medicine solutions to the disabilities and diseases of aging; the research agenda is focused on Aubrey de Grey's SENS Project (Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence). The Foundation collaborates with many universities and research organizations around the world.

The Science for Life Extension organization, based in Moscow, has recently put forward a detailed research program to fight aging, the so called Science Against Aging Project. The idea is to collect discoveries from promising fields of inquiry and new insights from international studies in order to better understand aging, build new theoretical models and finally coordinate all the efforts and the relevant activities to fight it. The organization also promotes the diffusion of transhumanism and a large-scale critical debate on life-span radical extension. iLabs are likely to contribute to the next release of the research program, bringing their own perspective and experience on the relation between psychology and aging.

Estropico is the main Italian portal for any issue concerning transhumanism and longevism. Estropico collects articles, news and materials related to the impact of new technologies, the forthcoming development of artificial forms of life, our post-human future and the promising strategy we all can pursue to get it.

If you think seriously about the forthcoming Singularity, you'll realize that there is no way to rule out the frustrating possibility of dying just before reaching the goal. Here is when Cryonics comes in: if we can prevent our cells from being damaged, we can at least be more confident that someday in the future we will enjoy the Singularity. A.I.C. - officially founded by i-lifegroup members in september 2008 - is the first association in Italy whose mission is to support people that are willing to be cryopreserved. A.I.C. and iLabs are currently working on an essay exploring the interplay between the development of cryionics and longevism.

Associazione Laura Coviello is a no profit organization that tries to improve the lives of people affected by leukemia. Since psychological techniques of assistance seem to raise the chance of a complete recovery from this terrible disease, the collaboration between the two institutes is profitable and constant since 2003, when ALC and iLabs worked togheter for the first time.

Lampi di Stampa is the first Italian publisher offering print-on-demand books. LDS mission is meeting the current standard of the market while, at the same time, trying to change the very concept of publishing, using up-to-date techonologies to provide new services and improve what already exists. LDS works with iLabs to help the pubblication of "Semi-Immortality", the volume that collects iLabs reflections and results from 1977 to 2007.